Examples for "auto mechanic"
Examples for "auto mechanic"
1Doreen had dumped the auto mechanic's son and married blue-blooded Grant Tarrington.
2The sort of classic example of it is the auto mechanic.
3Her father, an auto mechanic, and mother, a seamstress, had rules.
4Eddie was a twenty-two-year-old auto mechanic fresh off the trail.
5Among his occupations were school teacher, auto mechanic and owner of a boat repair business.
1She is a beautician, and her husband works as a car mechanic.
2Sub-tenants, including a car mechanic and an Italian TV production company, moved in.
3Before windmills, his biggest ambition was to be a car mechanic.
4Henry you're working as a car mechanic, or used to.
5A fellow named Jack Jackson, who was a car mechanic.
1In fact, The Gleaner records that she was Jamaica's first female motor mechanic.
2Don the motor mechanic forms a close friendship with Asian corner-shopkeeper Saleem Kahn.
3When he grows up he wants to be a motor mechanic.
4So where does that leave your son or daughter who wants to become a motor mechanic?
5Before our interview can begin, Rob Brydon has to clear up a problem with his motor mechanic.
1He started, and then, when he ran out of money, stopped, a training program for automotive technicians.
Translations for automotive technician